Katherine Elizabeth Ridley

37/6 North Junction Street, Edinburgh, EH6 6HR

[email protected]

+44 (0)7703296360




M.Sc. (by Research) Integrative Neuroscience | 2018
Centre for Discovery Brain Sciences, University of Edinburgh

Advisor: Professor Mike Cousin

Thesis: “Dyrk1a dysfunction results in altered neurite growth in developing neurons”

B.Sc. Psychology | 2015
Centre for Perception and Action, Lancaster University

Advisor: Professor Chris Plack

Dissertation: “Auditory-evoked neural plasticity in human sensory circuits”

Research Experience

Data Scientist | 2022-Present
Mint Diagnostics Ltd.

Data scientist in field of female endocrinology, leading statistical research programs into hormone dysfunction in elite female athletes. In this role, I employ Python-based machine learning frameworks to predict menstrual cycle phases, hormone concentrations, and classify athletes into menstrual health categories. I actively productionise and deploy these statistical analyses into interactive insights within our web/mobile app using AWS, JavaScript, and Python Bokeh/R Shiny. I am regularly writing up results for stakeholder reports and presentations, and contributing to internal software development, code reviews and training.

Research Coordinator | 2020-2022
University of Cambridge

Lead research and data scientist for multiple high-content, high-throughput spatial transcriptomic research programs, investigating CNS diseases and fundamental glial biology. Successfully led a small lab to see, so far, seven large-scale neuroscience projects to publication or review in high profile journals. Actively developing and implementing novel computational tools for single molecule 3D image analysis, logistic regression in data segmentation, deep neural network development for transcriptomic data classification, historical complex data mining, integration and interpretation, and interactive data visualization.

Lead Research Technician | 2018-2020
University of Cambridge

Lead technician developing high-throughput analysis pipeline from scratch for multi-omic, single-molecule microscopy data in the field of fundamental neurobiology. Created and optimized novel assays and analyses utilizing in situ hybridization and in situ sequencing technology; developed data analysis and integration methodologies in Python, and disseminated large and complex biological datasets into reputable manuscripts.


Journal Articles

Bulstrode, H., Girdler, G.C., Gracia, T., Aivazidis, A., Moutsopoulos, I., Young, A., He, X., Ridley, K.E., Xu, Z., ... Neuron

Author position: 8/38

Wesley, B.T., Ross, A., Muraro, D., Miao, Z., ... Nature Cell Biology

Author position: 8/32

Kohnke, S., Ridley, K.E., Buller, S., Nuzzaci, D., ... Cell Reports

Author position: 2/19

Lam, B.Y.H., Williamson, A., Finer, S., ... Nature

Author position: 12/32

Manuscripts in submission

Young, A., Xu, Z., Neumann, B., Ridley, K.E., Morcom, L., ... (accepted). Immunogenic antigen presentation by microglia from extracellular mRNA uptake. Nature.

Author position: 2/12

Williams, E., Ridley, K.E., Bartels, T.H., ... (in review). GridProCo: a grid-based method for assessing mRNA/protein covariation with spatial resolution. Current Bioinformatics.

Author position: 1/5

Hamel, R., Ridley, K.E., Peruzzotti Jametti, L., ... (in revision). Time-resolved single-cell RNAseq profiling identifies a novel Fabp5-expressing subpopulation of inflammatory myeloid cells in chronic spinal cord injury. Journal of Experimental Medicine.

Author position: 2/8

Manuscripts in preparation

Ridley, K.E., Wilson, A.S., Molofsky, A., ... (in preparation). Sonic Hedgehog controls astrocyte heterogeneity and synapse maintenance via Gli1-Il33 axis.

Author position: 1/5

Foerster, S., Zhao, C., Ridley, K.E., ..., Rowitch, D.H., Franklin, R.J.M. (in preparation). Developmental origin of oligodendrocytes determines their function in the adult brain.

Author position: 3/14

Conferences and Invited Talks

Technical Skills

Programming and Data
  • Python
  • Scientific Python (SciPy)
  • Numerical Python (NumPy)
  • Pandas
  • PySpark
  • Matplotlib
  • ScanPy
  • AnnData
  • Bokeh
  • Jupyter
  • SQL and NoSQL
  • Unix Shell
  • Tableau
  • R
  • Big Data Mining
  • Data Lakes and Warehousing
  • Interactive Visualisation
  • Business Intelligence (BI)
  • Data Engineering
  • Data Pipelining
  • Data Security
  • Cloud Technologies
Machine Learning
  • Scikit-Learn
  • JAX
  • TensorFlow
  • Keras
  • PyTorch for Computer Vision
  • OpenCV
  • Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK)
  • Gensim
  • SpaCy
  • Naive Bayes
  • Google CoLab
  • Supervised and Unsupervised Learning
  • Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)
  • Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)
  • Decision Trees
  • k-Nearest Neighbors (k-NN)
  • Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
  • XGBoost
  • Support Vector Machines (SVMs)
  • Ensemble Classifiers
  • Regression Analysis
  • Predictive Statistics
  • Variance Analysis
  • Descriptive Statistics
  • Probability Theory
  • Normality Testing
  • Causality Analysis
  • Bayesian Statistics
  • Neural Networks and Perceptrons
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Django
  • JavaScript
  • Agile Methodology
  • Git
  • Azure DevOps
  • Continuous Integration (CI)
  • Continuous Deployment (CD)
  • A/B Testing
Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
  • Genome Analysis
  • Transcriptomics
  • Sequence Alignment
  • Data Visualization
  • Systems Biology
  • Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)
  • R Programming
  • Bioconductor
  • Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS)
  • Fastq
  • Hierarchical Data Format 5 (HDF5)
  • Sequence Alignment/Map (SAM/BAM)
  • Variant Call Format/Binary Call Format (VCF/BCF)
  • JBrowse2
  • Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST)
  • Maq
  • Genome Analysis Toolkit (GATK)
  • BioPython
  • AnnData
  • Cellxgene
Spatial Analysis and Biology
  • Single Cell RNA Sequencing
  • Genomic Analysis
  • Spatial Transcriptomic Analysis
  • High Performance Computing
  • High Content Image Analysis
  • Molecular Biology
  • Oncology
  • RNAScope
  • Multiplexed Error Robust FISH (MERFISH)
  • NanoString
  • Visium
  • Akoya Codex
  • Optics
  • Barcoding
  • 2D/3D Image Annotation and Segmentation